Urban Mirror Correspondent
New Delhi, June 22: The Lok Gathbandhan Party (LGP) today expressed concern over prevailing situation in Jammu and Kashmir. The party has accused the NDA government of lackadaisical approach in addressing the problem. The LGP said during PDP-BJP alliance government, which has now broken, the situation had deteriorated further with both partners trying to serve their vested interest in their areas of dominance.
The LGP spokesman said on Friday that there should be two-pronged strategy in dealing with the situation. The spokesman said while there should not be any leniency in dealing with secessionist and separatists forces, the central government should devise plan for settlement of youth willing to live peacefully. The spokesman said employment opportunity for youth should be created outside the state so that they could be kept away from the evil influence of terrorists. The spokesman said the government should guarantee security of all those willing to work for peace and development of the state.
The spokesman said that before coming to power in 2014, the BJP had made tall claims to solve the vexed Kashmir issue but its three-years alliance with PDP in government failed to make any positive progress in the matter.
The spokesman said the lopsided approach in dealing with the crisis only as law and order issue is not justified. The lingering Kashmir issue is much more than law and order problem, the party said and added that the crisis would have to be addressed in wider perspective by taking all the stake-holders within the state on board. The spokesman said at a critical juncture when outside forces inimical to the country are hostile, Kashmir issue, which is a festering sore in the body politic, could not be left un-attended for long.
The spokesman said that there are large numbers of previous official and un-official reports which urgently needed to be taken out to chalk out a fresh and meaningful action plan for a lasting solution. The LGP firmly believes that with political will a solution within Indian constitutional framework is possible. The spokesman said public life and business activities in the Valley have come to standstill, which has caused consternation even among peace-loving people of the state. The spokesman further said the way terrorism and violence is increasing, stone pelting youngsters are coming on streets is certainly fraught with serious consequences for the country.
Lasting peace in Kashmir, an integral part of the country, is vital for national growth and prosperity. The party also expressed concern over massive loss of lives of civilians and security forces in the state. The LGP said dialogue is the only way out and the NDA government should not endlessly wait to initiate it.