My pound of flesh

This is the real world today. Our politicians readily promise the public to equally distribute what they do not have, and, then take away as much as they can, of all that the public possesses, writes Prof. H C Pande

In the Fabian days of  socialism there was an interesting story going around.Apparently, a socialist activist was explaining to the audience as to how the wealth would be equally distributed among all,in a socialist setup.Then a member of the audience sought a clarification,he asked whether the speaker would give him one house if he,the speaker,had two.Surely,replied the speaker.What about parting with a cow if he had two was the next question,and the reply was again yes.Now what about giving a goat if the speaker had two,was the third question and  the answer was a resounding no. When asked why so,the speaker said because he owned two goats.
This is the real world today. Our politicians readily promise the public to equally distribute what  they do not have, and, then take away as much as they can, of all that the public possesses. The finest, or, more appropriately, the craftiest example,is the Sheesh Mahal built by the Aam Aadmi Party for the Khaas Aadmi.And to top it all this khaas project had the khaas purpose to benefit khaas people and was processed in a khaas way.The estimated cost was deviously increased in phases under some pretext or the other till it became ten times larger than the original estimates.No explanations were asked by,or,offered to,the authorities for the cost increase of an order of magnitude.All rules and regulations to monitor & control the project expenditure were skirted by a hair’s breadth by skillfull manipulation.Khass must have his mouthful first,Aam can wait.
But this is not the end of the story,public too is no better.Whenever the elections are around the corner,every one,and his brother,is  out with a sharpened knive to carve out a portion of the flesh from the lean body  of the struggling nation.Free bus rides,free medical services,free education,and,monthly pocket allowance for house-wives,etc,etc.,for being in the material world,and,even free Teerth-yatra for the world hereafter,is the result of this sharpening of the knives.It is not just the general public but the well-heeled too,throw their weight around resulting in the n th pay commission,and increased D.A. once too often.No one wants to forgo his privilege,the privilege to blackmail the nation whenever an occasion arises.
Everyone must have his pound of flesh.

(Prof. H C Pande is Vice Chancellor Emeritus , BITS, Mesra)

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