Urban Mirror Correspondent
New Delhi, July 25: The Lok Gathbandhna Party (LGP) fighting for long for the elimination of corruption in public life and especially at higher places, said passage of Prevention of Corruption (amendment) bill in Parliament is not going to solve the cancerous problem unless there is political will to fight against it. The LGP said there is no dearth of laws but the political leadership for its own vested interest always backtracked to take action in corruption cases.
The spokesman of the party said here on Wednesday if there is no honest commitment the this new law would also be a piece of legislation among large numbers of similar law to become showpiece. Â The spokesman said corruption, which has assumed menacing dimension in every walk of life in the country, will not be eliminated just by these legislation or the call of the prime minister Narendra Modi to youth to come forward and tackle it. The spokesman said entire administrative and political system has been corrupted over the decades and people with vested interest have octopus like grip over it.
The spokesman said that when the administrative and bureaucratic machinery in the country has become spineless and always eager to serve its corrupt political masters how one could think of getting rid of the wide-spread corruption in the system. The spokesman said the disease required major surgery by throwing away entire lot of corrupt political parties from the power. The spokesman said the crisis has further taken dangerous dimension with almost all prominent political parties giving shelter to criminals and Mafiosi and even sending them to the Parliament and state legislatures. The spokesman said younger generation is extremely frustrated over the prevailing state of affairs but the corrupt politicians and officers have blocked avenues to change the situation. The spokesman said unless there is complete political overhaul with the overthrow of corrupt parties the country will not come out of morass.
The spokesman said while elimination of corruption in administration required quick and stringent action against officers, the electoral reforms with complete curb on black money in elections are urgently required to purge the political corruption. The spokesman said honest, upright and men of integrity should come forward to join political mainstream to clean the system. The spokesman said the LGP committed to honesty, transparency and good governance has been carrying on movement in the country in this connection. The spokesman has called upon the people to join the LGP movement to root out corruption from the country. (Credit Images: Rediff.com, NewIndianexpress)